What We Stock
What We Stock

Drought-Tolerant Plants
Cactus & Succulents, California, Australian, Mediterranean and African natives.
California Natives
Large selection of native plants for all growing conditions. At our Poway store, see our native garden for inspiration.
Assortment of citrus, fruit, bare root, ornamental, evergreen, deciduous, conifers, and street trees.
A variety of ornamental shrubs suitable for sun or shade and most growing conditions.
Grass Seed
Grass seed is available from Stover Seed, Pennington Seed, and Southland Sod Farms. Sod is no longer available. Order sod from www.sod.com
Over 100 varieties of seeds to choose from, including options from San Diego Seed Company, Renee's Garden, and Botanical Interests.
Vegetables & Herbs
Traditionally-grown seasonal vegetables and herbs, all non-GMO.
Ornamental Grasses
Annuals & Perennials
Large seasonal selection of annual and perennials in 6-pack, 4-inch and gallon containers.
Collection of plants and vines including Bougainvillea, Hibiscus and Gardenias.
Palms & Cycads
Water Plants
Seasonal selection of water plants, both potted and floating.
Bromeliads & Tillandsias
Bromeliads and air plants for indoor & outdoor.
Staghorn Ferns
We carry a selection of both potted and mounted staghorn ferns. Our nurseries also offer remounting services or supplies to remount your own staghorn!
Finished Bonsai plants, Bonsai starter plants, pots, tools and supplies.
Garden Essentials and Décor
Everything you need to create a flourishing garden, including containers, tools, irrigation, décor and more.
Assortment of 4” to specimen houseplants, including rare and unusual varieties!
Pest & Disease Controls | Fertilizers
Pest & Disease Controls | Fertilizers
Organic Fertilizers
Fox Farm, Dr. Earth, E.B. Stone, Down to Earth which are organic fertilizers.
Organic Pesticides
Monterey, Bonide, Safer, Fox Farm, Dr. Earth.
Conventional Choice
BioAdvanced, Bonide.
Planting Supplies & Tools
Planting Supplies & Tools
Pots, Container, Planters & Beds
From nursery containers to terracotta and ceramic, pots and planters, redwood planters and decorative plastic.
Soil Amendments, Mulch & Bark
From single use bags to 3 cu. ft. bags.
Tools & Supplies
Long and short handled tools including pruners and saws. Pruner and loper sharpening service available.
Irrigation & Hoses
Full line of DIG Irrigation products. Garden hoses and accessories.
Labels, tape, stakes, trellises, garden art and décor. Hats & gloves.
Seasonal & Specialty
Seasonal & Specialty
Bare root roses available in January and February. Blooming container roses available March through June.
Bare Root Fruit Trees
Arrive in January and are available through February.
Christmas & Holiday
Poinsettias, wreaths, garland, cut & living Christmas trees. Holiday décor. Fire retardant and flocking services available. Christmas tree delivery available.
Seasonal selection of spring and fall bulbs.
Plant Lists
Plant Lists
pdf Downloads
- 2025 Roses List
- 2025 Bareroot Fruit Trees & Berries
- 2024 Roses List
- 2024 Bareroot Fruit Trees & Berries
- Avocado Varieties
- Bamboo Varieties
- Firewise & Waterwise Plants
- Low-Water Use Plants
- Pepper Varieties
- Phormium New Zealand Flax
- Poisonous Houseplants
- Poisonous Outdoor Plants
- Popular Tomatoes
- Rose Varieties
- Trees With Minimal Problems
- Winter Tomato Cheat Sheet