
Fall into the Holidays with the November Newsletter

In November’s newsletter, learn more about ornamental grasses, selecting a Christmas tree, making infused vinegar, the future of gardens, onions, berry advice for feeding birds, a new line of food for pocket pets and much more. We are giving away a FREE Bag of Plant Food with purchase. Get details in the newsletter. November Newsletter 2020

GardenTalk Back On The Air!

Good news! The GardenTalk crew was able to negotiate a time slot on KCBQ 1170AM/96.1FM and KPRZ 1210AM/106.1FM. You can hear the radio show at 6am Saturday mornings. You can also listen to prior podcasts on our podcasts page or the radio station at

Welcome Fall with the October Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we have stories on fall bulbs, shrubs for privacy, guide to houseplants, feeding birds in the fall and more! NewsOct20_F1

New Hours In Poway

We have extended our hours at the Poway location. We are now open 9am-5pm 7 days-a-week starting Saturday, August 1. We hope to see you!