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Updated 2024 Bareroot Fruit Trees & Berries List

Here is the updated list of bareroot fruit trees & berries for 2024!  New 2024 Bareroot Fruit Trees List

2024 Rose List Is Here!

Find out which roses we will have available for 2024. Download the list here: 2024 Roses PDF

The December Newsletter Is Here

Stories this month include Poinsettia Picks, History of Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes, Companion Planting for an Unbelievable Harvest, Desperately Seeking Sotol, Christmas Tree Recycling, Bareroot Trees & more! December Newsletter PDF

In the November Newsletter…

Find stories about onions, flowering vegetables & herbs, mushrooms, and pumpkins. Read about the new demonstration garden at the San Diego store, to do list for November, garden classes & more! November Newsletter PDF

Get Ready for Fall with the October Newsletter

In the news this month: Shallots, Fall Bulbs, Gardening Hits & Misses, Garlic Varieties, Citrus Guide, Corpse Flower, Garden Classes & more! October Newsletter PDF

September Newsletter Is Hot Off The Press!

Well, at least in digital form, that is! Stories include Milkweed & Butterflies, a Giant Pumpkin, the Corpse Flower, Composting Buddy, Flowers for your Moon Garden, Plants for Bug Control in your Kitchen Garden, Watering Plants, Garden Classes & More. Download September Newsletter PDF

August Newsletter Is Here!

Stories this month include Fennel, Attracting Ladybugs, Heat-Tolerant Plants, Garden Focal Points, Tomato Maladies, Garden Classes and more! August Newsletter PDF

What’s Wrong With Your Tomato?

Check out our latest tip sheet on tomato problems and how to solve them. Tomato Problems & Solutions PDF